Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:00pm

(201) 664-1849

Town Events & More


Calendar of Events

21 Sep
Vote-by-Mail Begins
Date 09.21.2024

Early Voting

8 Oct
Mental Health Book Club
10.08.2024 7:00 pm

Location: Library

More info to come

15 Oct

Please be advised that Tuesday, October 15, 2024 is the deadline for all new voter registrations for the General Election, November 5, 2024.

Our office, as a courtesy, will be open for registration until 9:00PM. 

17 Oct
Mayors Wellness Speaker
10.17.2024 7:00 pm

Location: Library

More info to come

18 Oct
Bergen Cty Job Fair
10.18.2024 9:00 am

Job Fair 2024

19 Oct
Superhero 5K
10.19.2024 9:00 am

Superhero 5k Flyer

20 Oct


26 Oct
Early Voting Begins

Early Voting General 2024 COLOR FLYER 1

26 Oct
Family Movie Night
10.26.2024 7:00 pm

More info to follow...

Movie 9 7 24

29 Oct

Early Voting

5 Nov
Election Day

Election Borough Info

12 Nov
Mental Health Book Club
11.12.2024 7:00 pm

Location: Library

More info to come

10 Dec
Mental Health Book Club
12.10.2024 7:00 pm

Location: Library

More info to come

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Senior Program Calendar

19 Sep
Golden Age Grp
09.19.2024 12:00 pm
20 Sep
Let's Bowl
09.20.2024 11:00 am
21 Sep
Vote-by-Mail Begins
21 Sep
09.21.2024 9:15 am
23 Sep
09.23.2024 11:00 am