Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:00pm

(201) 664-1849

Municipal Court

Contact Information

Municipal Court Administrator
Laurel Carnazza
Office Hours: Tues & Wed, 1-4pm
Phone (201) 664-1849 Ext. 23
Fax  (201) 664-0331

Court Sessions are held on the First TUESDAY of the Month at 4pm unless otherwise noted on calendar and are now held virtually. 
The Old Tappan Municipal Court is located at 227 Old Tappan Road in the Borough Hall Council Chambers

4 Mar
Municipal Court
Date 03.04.2025 4:00 pm
1 Apr
Municipal Court
04.01.2025 4:00 pm
6 May
Municipal Court
05.06.2025 4:00 pm
18 Jun
Municipal Court
06.18.2025 4:00 pm
1 Jul
Municipal Court
07.01.2025 4:00 pm

Municipal Court Department Information

Municipal Court Judge - Warren F. Clark, J.M.C.  
Municipal Prosecutor - Geoffrey D. Mueller, ESQ.
Alternate Municipal Prosecutor - Carter Corriston, Esq.

 Municipal Court sessions are conducted virtually/remotely
Accordingly, all complainants, defendants, attorneys, victims are to contact the municipal court via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or at (201) 664-1849 x23 to provide your full name, e-mail address, and cell phone number within seven days of a court notice.


General Information


The Old Tappan Municipal Court has jurisdiction over the following cases:

  • Motor Vehicle/Traffic Violations (NJ Motor Vehicle Commission info. click here.)
  • Disorderly/Petty Disorderly Persons Offenses
  • Violations of Weights and Measures
  • Parks and Forests
  • Fish and Game
  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
  • Violations of Municipal Ordinances of Old Tappan

If you are charged with a more serious offense, these "indictables" would be sent to the Bergen County Prosecutor's Office. The case would either be brought before a Grand Jury in Superior Court or downgraded to the Old Tappan Municipal Court by the Bergen County Prosecutor.


Many traffic and parking offenses are payable by mail or at the Court Administrator's payment window in Borough Hall.  If no court appearance is required, you may make your payment by mail or in person. By doing this, you are waiving your right to trial and pleading guilty. Call the Violations Bureau if you do not see the amount to be paid on the back of the summons.

For all violations and offenses for which fines are not payable by mail, the matter must be heard in Court before the Judge.  If you wish to plead not guilty to a summons, telephone or write to the Violations Bureau at least one (1) week prior to the court date listed on the summons.  Note - this must be done by phone or in person, it cannot be done via the website or email. 

You may represent yourself or have an attorney represent you. If you cannot afford an attorney and you are charged with an offense that has a consequence of magnitude (a substantial fine, loss of driving privileges or incarceration), a Public Defender application may be filled out by you at your first court appearance for the Judge to review. If an interpreter isneeded, one will be provided by the Court. The Court is unable to recommend attorneys but will provide you with the number of the Bergen County Legal Services. The Bergen County Legal Services will assist you if you need a recommendation.

Please do not hesitate to call the Violation Bureau if you have any questions or are unsure as to how to proceed.